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    Clip Description

    Starring: Coco w/ Ryan Renault

    **FULL 1920X1080 HD**

    After choking out the young lady he was burglarizing and dragging her into her room, he scoops her up and tosses her on to the bed. He moves her up on the bed so her feet are level. He unties the long thick laces so the legs and ankles come apart. He has an idea after seeing she has yoga at 6pm. He will undress her and fondle her, then re dress her in her yoga outfit so when she wakes up, she just thinks it is a bad dream and will go to yoga. Brilliant. He slowly undresses her, enjoying the nudity as he rolls her over and over, flopping her limbs. He rag dolls her a bit as he removes the clothing and then starts with the tight leggings, getting them over the soles of the feet. and then rolling her back over to get them on tight. He adjusts her then sits her up rag dolling her arms to get the camisole on her top and perfect breasts. He has seen her before and is why he wanted to burglarize her home, but he never imagined her being so perfect underneath the clothing. Her feet are just phenomenal and that was enough for him. Everything is a bonus now. He finds some black flip flop sandals and slides them awkwardly on to her feet. He lifts her up and carries her dangling body to the living area again and flops her on to the couch, but not before swinging her around so much her flip flops fall off. He throws her to the couch and grabs the flops and starts to replace them and as he moves her around they slide off. He keeps trying though and putting them back on after they fall off. He finally gets her into position on the couch so when she wakes up she will think it is yoga time, and "why do I have this headache?" He goes back to her bedroom to finish grabbing loot. After a couple minutes of rooting through her room he hears a noise. It is her stirring and saying, "I have to go to yoga." moaning with her head lump from the billy club. She walks through the living room and he ducks into the bathroom in her bedroom. As she looks for her keys he comes up behind her again and gets her in a choke hold. He pulls her back up against the wall reefing hard on her neck and staring at her feet thrashing in the flip flops. He sees she is fighting way harder and is determined to get free so he goes harder and accidentally goes too hard, breaking her neck. As soon as the bone cracks her body stops all motion that isn't controlled by gravity, arms going limp to her side and her head loose as a goose. He lets her slide down his body and on to the floor like a sack of sand. It surprises him and at first he is remorseful but in seconds distracted by her sexy limp body and feet. He gets her up on the bed again and rolls her around the bed again and again then smells her soles, licks her toes and caresses her feet against his hands, and face. He spends time loving her sexy soles, and painted toes. He looks at her and decides he needs more of her sexy nude body, now that she won't wake up this time he knows he won't get caught. He rolls her over on her stomach and pulls the leggings down to her knees, getting his face close to her ass and massaging her hard. He rolls her over and does the same with her top raising the top above her sexy breasts and squeezing them hard. He handles them roughly and enjoys her body for a while. He finally gets back to her feet and enjoys the feet before remembering he had to be back home soon or he will get in trouble. He leaves in a hurry with her half naked on the bed, eyes wide mouth slightly open. Her body is panned and viewed from a few angles and her soles and toes shown from a few others. What fun he had rag dolling and flopping her limp body around.

    Pure great fetish stuff. Coco is, well you just can't say it enough, perfect in every way. CB

    Run Time: 17:34 minutes
    File Size: 615 MB Format: .MP4

    Clip Duration:      17 minutes
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    m4v614.13 MB

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Starring: Coco w/ Ryan Renault

FULL 1920X1080 HD

This is a 2 part custom film written by the same author as "RagDoll Girlfriend series and all about limp play, rag doll, foot fetish, high heel fetish and shoe play. Coco is amazing as always and this is a peach of a film!

Coco comes home from a night out drinking with the girls. She still looks hot and is in tight jeans, tight top tied to show midriff section, and rolled up jeans make way for the lace up high heels, very showy and strappy. She gets out of her car and stumbles towards the door, ready to clean up and get some grub in her, maybe even hair of the dog. As she is pulling in unbeknown to her is an intruder climbing through a window that was left open. He has a baseball bat covered in black electrical tape. He is there to burglarize her stuff. He makes it to her bedroom as she comes in the front door and sits on the couch, starting to untie one of the tall lace up high heels. She doesn't notice the burglar sneaking up to her with the bat and coming down hard smacking her in the head and sending her face first to the floor hard. She is out cold. He goes to work dropping her limp arms, removing her sweater to see her smooth skin. He lets her body drop to the floor. He lifts her body up by the arms and lets her body drop to the floor, several times, to the right side, to the left side. He takes his time rolling her over, dragging her around the room, dropping her limbs and if the untied shoe comes off, he replaces it and tightens it down, but doesn't mind if it slides off, he will just get to play with her feet. He is foot obsessed and loves her limp body he continues to rag doll, drag, and flop all over the living room. He drags her around a few times on her belly and her back then flops her down and checks her eyes to see how she is doing. After having a bit of fun he scoops her up and holds her with her back to him, feet off the ground so the shoe falls off when he swings her around swaying back and forth so the feet hand down. He then walks with her body against him to her bedroom and tosses her on to the bed, one of her shoes that was untied falls off in the living room but he then rag dolls and rolls her around, checking her feet and shoe, then tightening the shoe up again so it is straight. He caresses her feet and her face, her body he likes her perfect figure in the tight jeans. One shoe on one off. He sits her up on her knees and flops her to the bed, checking her limp wrists, pulling her up then letting her down to the bed. After having fun with her, he knows he needs to get back to his job which is being a burglar. He leaves her on the bed knowing that she will get up soon and be disoriented and he would love to be done and gone by then to avoid any accidents. He goes to the living room and starts to look for loot to pilfer. After a minute she starts to stir, as her body is being panned, she is in pain with a lump on her head, disoriented, not knowing what hit her. She gets up slowly and slides off the bed with one shoe on, disoriented. She hobbles to the living room and when she hears a noise and looks up, it is the intruder and he gets to her quickly as she turns to go to the bedroom to flee, but he is right behind her with a choke hold and she tries to grip the door casing but to no avail. He pulls her back as she fights, even getting her feet off the ground. He takes her back to the couch where she falls in his lap. She fights but passes out again from lack of oxygen. After he knows she is out he flops her on to the floor like trash. He grabs her shoe that is off and on the floor and replaces it, lacing it up and tying her ankles together with the straps of the shoes, so if she gets up again she can not run. He drops her limp, tied legs and feet to the floor a few times, then grabs her by her arms dragging her into her bedroom again. He looks up and notices she has posted on her dry erase board, "Girl's Hot Yoga" at 6pm, so he has an idea to keep her from thinking it was more than a bad dream after she hit her head.

To be continued in part 2....

Coco is just amazing, and with the addition of some great new actors, some of the best content of my life. The Chris B

Run Time: 21:00 minutes
File Size: 680 MB 	Format: .MP4

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